

The OFE咨询委员会 is designed to provide feedback and advisory guidance to the workings of the Office of Faculty Excellence. 它将由来自整个大学的代表组成, including at least one faculty representative from every college and school and additional staff representatives from related offices, 如学生发展和教师生活, 教学技术和设计服务, 和图书馆.


The Board provides a diverse range of faculty perspectives and expertise to help guide the OFE in developing new programs and services to promote excellence in scholarship and teaching.



凯瑟琳·凯利 is an Associate Professor of Dance and Technology whose creative research explores collaboration, 相互支持的结构, 以及女权主义/酷儿群体模式. 她对科技对身体的影响很感兴趣, 是什么让她开始创作舞蹈电影, 互动装置, 以及结合数字媒体的现场表演活动. 她是2019年Gibney Work Up的驻地艺术家, 2018年担任Chez Bushwick驻场艺术家, and a 2015-2016 LEIMAY Fellow whose creative work has premiered in performance venues across New York and through video platforms such as NPR First Look. 她是《十大博彩推荐排名》杂志的编辑委员会成员, 并指导其他艺术家写作, 生产, 胶卷冲洗. 她在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获得舞蹈艺术硕士学位, 以及北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校的舞蹈学士和心理学学士学位, 她在那里获得了2019年杰出校友奖.


Dr. 尤兰达阿尔瓦雷斯

尤兰达·阿尔瓦雷斯(尤兰达阿尔瓦雷斯)是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学负责学生事务的副院长. She holds an MA in Mental Health and Counseling from New York 大学 and an MA in Organizational Psychology from Teachers College Columbia 大学. She began her career at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 in 2015 supporting enrollment management and student affairs functions for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; she is currently managing a variety of functions within the Office of the Dean of Students. Yolanda has 20+ years of experience designing and implementing student development offerings that impact many and are critical to maintaining a thriving inclusive campus culture.



Dr. Jessica Bacon is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, 她在那里教授全纳教育和残疾研究课程. Dr. 培根获得了Ph值.D. 2012年获得雪城大学特殊教育学位. Dr. Bacon’s recent publications have investigated the impact of educational 政策 and standards-based reform movement on inclusive education, 将残疾研究纳入K-12课程, and post-secondary inclusive programming for students with intellectual and developmental disability labels. She has integrated her research and service commitments by collaborating with community members who are parent-advocates, self-advocates, 老师, and students with disabilities in order to advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities within schooling and community systems.

丹纳E. Davis,《十大博彩推荐排名》

Dr. 丹纳•戴维斯

丹纳E. 戴维斯获得了博士学位.D. 毕业于波士顿学院. 专注于课程和教学, she is an associate professor of elementary education in Montclair’s Teaching and Learning department. Dr. 戴维斯发表并发表了许多关于教师教育多样性的论文. 目前, she is under contract with Cognella Publishing to write Disrupting Social Studies: Stories and Strategies for Classrooms. LGBTQ+的盟友, she conducts research and workshops on the integration of LGBTQ children’s literature in elementary contexts. Dr. Davis is the recipient of numerous awards including the National Association for Multicultural Education 2011 G. 普里奇·史密斯年度多元文化教育家, 2012 Distinguished Faculty awardee for Excellence in Teacher Preparation from the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education and the NJ Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 以及2013年度最佳LGBTQ教职员工盟友. Dr. 戴维斯是一个有创造力的人,他拥抱终身学习.


Dr. 伊莱恩·嘉宝

伊莱恩·嘉宝是一位医学人类学家和残疾研究学者, 也是残疾研究协会的前主席.  在加入十大博彩推荐排名学院之前, she served for five years as the Senior 研究 Associate for the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and taught in the graduate program in Disability Studies at the City 大学 of New York. 她获得了博士学位.D. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得学士学位.A. 来自密歇根大学. 她的作品探讨了文化与身体之间的交集.她的工作既有理论贡献,也有实际应用.


亚尼克·约瑟夫,注册会计师,MPA, MSN, Ed. D is an experienced leader in healthcare management with 30+ years in health care management and over 12 years in nursing education. 我对教学的看法是建立在学习的建构主义框架之上的, 我使用的课堂动态允许对话, 自主性, 探究可以培养学生更高的参与度. I embrace instructional technology that can be used to authenticate the promotion of scholarship. 我在护理学院教研究生和本科生. My area of research is in implicit bias in student nurses and my passion is in experiential learning and simulation. 我的标志性优点包括:充满活力, 协作, 具有良好的沟通和解决问题的能力, 具有参与和指导学生和高效团队的能力. My clinical expertise lies in the introduction of nursing care principles and health assessment, 妇女的健康, 领导, 政策, 团队建设/指导/指导, 创新客户关系管理.


Dr. Kirk McDermid is the Chairperson for the Department of Philosophy and was previously Chair of the General Education Committee. 他曾在大学本科课程委员会任职, 院校覆检委员会, 大学效能委员会, 以及大学参议院执行委员会成员. 他在不列颠哥伦比亚大学获得学士学位, 他在伦敦大学获得理学硕士学位, 并在西安大略大学获得博士学位. 他受过分析哲学的训练, 专门研究科学哲学的, 认识论, 形而上学. 他定期教授这所大学提供的Gen Ed逻辑/批判性思维课程.


Dr. Ram B. Misra是商学院管理和信息系统教授. He earned an Executive MBA (Beta Gamma Sigma) from the Columbia School of Business and received his Ph.D. 德州大学运筹学硕士&米大学. 在加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学之前,Dr. Misra was an Executive Director at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bell Communications 研究). 他在贝尔实验室拥有超过20年的电信行业经验, 和贝尔通信研究公司. 他还曾在德州农学院担任助理教授&M大学和休斯顿大学.


Dr. Marylou Naumoff is part of the Communication and Media Studies faculty in the School of Communication and Media. She serves as the Coordinator of the Fundamentals of Speech Program and supervises the Public Speaking Resource Center. 她的专长是修辞学研究.  Dr. 诺莫夫的研究集中在种族和性别交叉点上的美国身份认同. Much of her work examines popular culture as a site of national discourse where citizens look to understand and construct American identity. She is currently working on a book manuscript that examines the impact of hip hop on American masculinity and national identity.



Board members are appointed by the Provost upon recommendation from the current Board and OFE. 委员的任期为一年,最多可连续三届. 我们的目标是保持新会员和老会员之间的健康平衡. 最长任期3年, 并且可以连任多届,每届之间至少有一年的任期. 主席在每年的第一次会议上选举产生.  Each college/school representative will recruit/recommend additional/replacements from their college/school


咨询委员会将每月举行一次会议,讨论OFE中新的和正在进行的举措. 除了这个月度会议, Board members will be asked to occasionally volunteer as faculty liaisons to their colleges, 车间领导, 面板的客人, 等. 视时间和是否有空而定.

Occasionally, the Advisory Board will convene smaller working groups to take on larger projects. Members will volunteer for these groups and will report back to Board during monthly meetings.